Hardworking Juggler, Two of Pentacles

Hardworking Juggler, Two of Pentacles

Hardworking Juggler, Two of Pentacles

This card may be a minor arcana card, but its meaning is straight to the point! Juggling master or wishing to be! When is the last time you stopped and took some time to smell the flowers that are around you? This card represents on one hand someone who is maintain a sense of balance in their world. Someone who is mastering the art of multi-tasking and working hard at keeping that balance knowing that in the end, the reward will be amazing. On the other hand, the card can also represent someone who is struggling to maintain a sense of balance, someone bogged down with the daily stresses of their own lives and those around them.

When this card comes up for me in a reading the energy that surrounds it is that of a tired energy. An energy in need of some quiet time and time to reflect on what really is important in your life. Life will always seem to throw us curve balls and at times we take on so much more than we should, but the moment we stop taking time for ourselves is the minute we begin to get tired. Our energy needs constant nourishment from the positive energies of the earth so take that stroll through the park and reconnect! Juggling seems to be something everyone does in life, its lessons we are taught, but ensure that this balance is equal. This ensures that you are not weighted down on one side more than the other. This can be in reference to home, work, family etc. You already know where this applies though so just remember; equal time and equal measures are what is being asked of you.

Lastly, remember that even when life makes you feel as though you are alone in a boat in rough seas, there is always a calm before AND after every storm. This too shall pass. 😊





Items that can help with Balance 

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